Tourist Experience X 1
130 €/person
for minimum 2 people
1 night
in a double bedroom with breakfast in one of the 5 estates dormi[ci]lento;
1 meal
including traditional cuisine of Cilento by selecting one of the 5 estates mangia[ci]lento;
2 attivities/labs
for a maximum value of 5 corns among the different kinds of activities vivi[ci]lento.
Tourist Experience X 3
260 €/person
for minimum 2 people
3 nights
in a double bedroom with breakfast in one of the 5 estates dormi[ci]lento;
3 meals
including traditional cuisine of Cilento by selecting one of the 5 estates mangia[ci]lento;
3 attivities/labs
for a maximum value of 10 corns among the different kinds of activities vivi[ci]lento.
Tourist Experience X 5
390 €/person
for minimum 2 people
5 nights
in a double bedroom with breakfast in one of the 5 estates dormi[ci]lento;
5 meals
including traditional cuisine of Cilento by selecting one of the 5 estates mangia[ci]lento;
5 attivities/labs
for a maximum value of 15 corns among the different kinds of activities vivi[ci]lento.
You have three possibilities, of different price and duration, to make your personal turist eXperience.
Within them you can choose among the various offers
dormi[ci]lento, mangia[ci]lento e vivi[ci]lento:
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©2018 Fondazione Alario per Elea - Velia Impresa Sociale
Viale Parmenide, fraz. Marina | 84046, Ascea (SA)
Email: info@fondazionealario.it - Tel: 0974 971197
Vacanze San Crescenzo
Azienda Agricola La Petrosa
Agriturismo Zio Cristoforo
Agriturismo I Moresani
Azienda Agricola Biologica Prisco
Storie di Pane
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